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English history from 1603-Queen Victoria - born in 1819, reign 1837-1901.

British products were exported to the whole world. Trade unions were founded due to the pressure of poor workers. Queen Victoria created a large Empire, which covered 1/4 of the world. The British Empire was so large because of commercial, military and strategic reasons. In this period there were many changes in British institutions and in the way of living. Queen Victoria wanted to be informed of Government policies and she was politically neutral. She engaged in the aristocracy life and very often arranged parties. This fact enabled people to agree with her as a widow[1]. She is known for her values. She promoted[2] discipline of the family and the Puritanism of public life. During her reign Disraeli was the Prime Minister and after him Gladstone. The reign of Queen Victoria was successful and without wars in England.
After the death of Queen Victoria, Britain declined[3] as a world power and Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa were allowed to draw up their constitutions and became dominions. Vast areas of Africa and India remained under British domination.

[1] vdova
[2] podporovat
[3] sestup, pokles

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