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23, Australia and New Zeland

23, Australia and New Zeland


Is located in the southern hemisphere between the Pacific and the Indian oceans.
The official name is the Commonwealth of Australia.
Is consists of 6 states (New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania) and 2 territories.
The capital city – Camberra (but the largest city is Sydney).
The area is about 8 million square km and the population is about 16 million.
It´s the British dominion (the former colony) – the official head of the state is Queen Elisabeth II. respresented by the Govermor-General (She has no real political influence, and her position is essentially symbolic).
There are many exotic animals – cangaroo, emu, coala bear, dingo....
Is the one of the top exports of lamb and beef, wheat, wine and fruit.
Australia hosted the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne and the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney.


Consists of 2 large islands.
The area is about 270.000 square km.
The population is about 3,5 million people.
The capital city is Wellington.
The official head of the state is Queen Elisabeth II. respresented by the Govermor-General.
There is beatiful nature e.g. – Lord of the Rings was shot there.
Unofficial national sport is rugby.

Vazba „have (get) something done“

= dát (nechat) si něco udělat
☺ velmi důležitý je slovosled: předmět – have (v přítomném tvaru) – předmět – trpné příčestí významového slovesa
☺ např.: I have my coat cleaned. Dávám si vyčistit kabát.
☺ POZOR ! když slovosled zaměníme – I have cleaned my coat. (předpřítomný čas) – Právě jsem si vyčistil kabát.

Slovesa změny stavu

☺ get, become
☺ He´s getting old. – Stárne. (pozvolná změna)
☺ He became angry. – Rozzlobil se. (náhlá změna)

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