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7, Prague

7, Prague

The largest and the oldest city in the Czech republic.
The capital city of the Czech republic.
The seat of the President, the Parliament and the Goverment.
About 1,2 million inhabitants.
Skreads on the both banks of the Vltava river.
Prague is divided into a number of discricts.
The oldest part: The Old Town, The Lesser Town, Hradčany, Josefov, Vyšehrad.
Prague is economics and business centre – a lot of banks, offices, institutions...
Prague is centre of education and science – many schools, colleges, libraries etc. (Charles
university – 1348, founded by Charles IV.)
Prague is centre of sports – stadions, swimming pools, sport clubs...
Prague is centre of culture – theatres (the National theatre, the Estate theatre, the Open House,
Small-form theatres), cinemas, concert halls (The House of Artists, The
Smeatana´s halls), music clubs, exhibition halls, galleries, museums (The
National museum, The Technical museum).
Many culture events – e.g. Prague Spring Festival – a lot of artists all over the world,
International TV Festival „Golden Prague“ etc.
Prague is especially rich in sights and monuments – Prague Castle, St. Vitus Cathedral,
Basilique of St. George, Golden Line...

VYŠEHRAD – the first seat of Czech Kings
OLD TOWN SQUARE – the city hall with astronomical clocks (marching apostles),
monument of Jan Hus
CHARLES BRIDGE – founded by Charles IV., decorated with baroque status by Matyáš
Braun and Jan Brokoff
CHURCHES: St. Nicholas Church in the Old Town Square and in the Lesser Town Square
MODERN ARCHITECTURE: Dancing House, Congres Centre

World Order – Pořádek slov ve větě

☺ je pevný a nelze ho měnit – je významotvorný
Oznamovací věta: (PUČ) – podmět – přísudek – předmět – příslovečné určení (Z,M,Č) – (PUČ)
(Every day) I buy coffee in this book shop (every day).
Otázka: pomocné sloveso – Do you buy coffee in this shop every day ?
tázací výraz – Where do you buy coffee every day ?
kladná podmět. otázka – bez pomocného slovesa – Who buys coffee ?
Frekvenční příslovce: ta, která vyjadřují jak často se děj odehrává – always, sometimes, never,
usually, often, seldom (zřídkakdy)
I am always at home. I have never seen it. – za „to be“ pomocné sloveso
I never come late. – před významové sloveso

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