Hledejte v chronologicky řazené databázi studijních materiálů (starší / novější příspěvky).

Health and diseases 2.

If we feel unwell, we decide to see a doctor. It is better to make an appointment with the doctor in his surgery time. Then the nurse says “Next please”and invites us into the consulting room (ordinace). The doctor usually asks what the trouble is. He wants to know if we have a tempera- ture, good appetite and where we feel pain. He also wants us to open our mouth. We have to say how we feel, if we have a headache, a sore throat, a cold, a cough, or if we are sick and hoarse.

Finally the doctor diagnoses the case and therapy and prescribes a medicine. Most often we suffer from a common infection such as flu (chřipka), angina [æn ˡdžainə], tonsillitis [ˌtonsi ˡlaitis] (zánět mandlí) or bronchitis [ˌbron ˡkaitis] (zánět průdušek), diarrhoea [daiə ˡriə] (průjem), constipation [ˌkonsti ˡpeišn] (zácpa). At the pharmacy (at the chemist’s in Britain) (v lékárně) we get pills, drops or vitamins [vitəminz]. We can also buy some medicinal herbs to prepare herbal tea. Then we usually stay in bed, take pills, drops or vitamins, drink herbal tea with lemon and sugar or honey, keep warm, sweat [swet] and gargle [ga:gl] (v teple, potíme se, kloktáme). After a week or two we feel well again.

Další zdroje o tomto tématu naleznete zde:
Health and diseases 1.
Health and diseases 3.
The human body, health and diseases
Články na hledaný výraz "Medical Care, Health and Diseases" naleznete na bezuceni.cz

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