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19, Holiday in the U.S.A.

19, Holiday in the U.S.A.

New Year´s celebration – big celebration, drink alcohol, meet with friends and relatives
the 3 rd Monday in January - Martin Luther King´s Day – he was a black clergyman
(duchovní) who fought for cival rigihts of black people. He was
killed in 1968.
the 3 rd Monday in February – Presidents´ Day – all former American presidents are
Easter – Christians celebrate Christ´s death and his return to life (resurrection – zmrtvýchvstání)
2 nd Sunday in May – Mother´s Day – children give their mother small gifts or card
the 4 th Monday in May – Memorial Day – all people killed in all wars are remebered
the 4 th July – Independence Day – birthday of the USA (1776)
the 12 th October – Columbus Day – his arrival in Maerika (1492) is remembered
the 31 th October – Halloween – watching horror movies; people hanging sceleton, cadavers a
ghosts into the window and they expose pumpkin with candle
the 4 th Thursday in November – Thanksgiving Day – the first settler (Pilgrim Fathers – otcové
poutníci) are remembered (1620). A family holiday with roat
turkey and aplle or pumpkin pie
the 25 th December - Christmas – they decorated tree, baked sweet, gave gifts, hanging stocking
and lights (punčochy). Santa Claus is a popular mythological figure often
associated with bringing gifts at Christmas for children.
New Year´s Eve

Časové věty (Temporal Clauses)

☺ vedlejší věty uvozené časovými spojkami: when, after, before, as soon as
☺ budoucnost se po nich vyjadřuje přítomným časem: As soon as he comes I will call you (v hlavní větě budoucí čas zůstává)
☺ till, until – dokud ne (záporná spojka) – následující sloveso bude kladné
☺ např.: I will stay here till he comes. – Zůstanu tady dokud nepřijde.

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